核保有国との連携 Collaboration with Nuclear-Armed Nations
Although the nuclear hedging policy does not involve actual possession of nuclear weapons, effective consideration of nuclear hedging cannot be conducted without collaboration with nuclear-armed countries.
The most likely partner is the United States, due to Japan’s long-established security relationship with it. The U.S. also has a track record of nuclear sharing with Germany. Other potential partners include the UK, France, India, Pakistan, and Israel, but options are very limited. Considering countries with the technical capability and political will, no viable partners exist besides the U.S. Ultimately, Japan is likely to collaborate with the U.S., but it is also essential to explore simultaneous cooperation with the UK, France, and Israel. This would make collaboration with the U.S. possible for the first time.
歴史的転換点 Historical Turning Point
The Japanese public will only truly perceive the urgency of threats from China, Russia, and North Korea when they are imminent. There is a high practicality for nuclear sharing, as seen in Germany’s example. However, to realize this, it is valuable to promote a nuclear hedging policy that allows for nuclear operations at any time. The public will surely understand if explained candidly.
The U.S. is nearing a historic period of transition from caution towards Japan to supporting Japan’s independent defense. Japan must be prepared for this.